Note to self: post training notes no more than a 3 hours after training.
Sunday was my first day training with Rob Ables, a local black-belt in the DFW area. I was advised by my current instructor Chris Story, to branch out and explore other formats to help push my game to the next level. It was an eye-opener. First off, Rob's style of instruction was excellent. Rather then going through a list of mechanical steps, we started off with the end game objective and concept building working backwards. This really helped solidify the "reasons" for each step.
This session we covered the following:
- basic x-guard concepts
- x-guard entry options
It was an excellent session because I love to play half-guard and naturally transition to a different form of the x-guard in my current game. I usually transition to the x-guard by uncrossing my oustide leg and inserting the hook on the inside of my partners thigh. The x-guard entry and position Rob covered was not what I'm accustomed to.
Things that stuck:
- x-guard entry - the interesting thing about what I took away from this part of the lesson was not the actual x-guard entry. Rob explained how to square up when playing open guard and proper hand position to defend the pass. This alone was worth the entire day!
- The x-guard feel - Although I don't remember all technical details (as I drill more I'll remember) I do remember what it feels like to have the correct control. Rob said "once you understand where you need to be, you can be inventive on how to get there." Good stuff.
- The Box- Entry to the x-guard is not about forcing. It's about engaging when you are ready to by keeping squared up with your partner and engaging/disengaging when you to. Then when the grips and position are available you transition.
Things that didn't stick:
- All the details on set up. I'll need to drill this a few thousand times before it makes sense :)
- x-guard reversal details. I'm able to execute an x-guard reversal in live grappling but I just don't remember all the details.
Mat Log:
- Cardio absolutely sucks. 10 minutes of live rolling and I gassed.
- Rob was going easy on me but still made it a point to make me see where he could have finished.
- The one good thing I did that I do remember (amidst all the fleeing) was a good base out on an attempted reversal. I felt my body lifting off the ground and I literally straightened out my two legs as a counter weight to stop the reversal and it worked. I definitely paid for that for the next 5 minutes but it's the small victories that get you through it!
Next time....
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